Monday, January 31, 2011


Here's the story of the adorable Binky, told by her "owner" Draven. Can anybody really own a cat? I think they own us, LOL:)

Binky, came into my life after I had endured a serious, car accident.
My Mother thought a pet would be good therapy for me. So, we went to the shelter and there I saw this cute, little, brown tabby with 4 white boots. She was very, young and I started to pay attention to an older, orange male cat who was located below her cage. Binky, proceeded to reach out from her cage and tap me on the head with her, tiny paw. My Mom told me later: "She chose you." That is how Binky came into my life and has filled my life with joy ever sense!
She only lets me hold her and can only be held in one position. She has to drape her forepaws over my shoulder like Super, cat and then be patted on the back like a baby. :)

Thanks Draven, for sending me your cute photos of Binky!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Pauley Begs

I've been neglecting this blog, still trying to find other animal lovers to come aboard! Hopefully I will get some to post some fun stories/photos of their beloved pets:) Here Pauley our ferret is begging for treats.